Battery switches

Battery switches

The heavy-duty battery requires an equally strong switch to enable disconnection. Being able to isolate large currents safely is a priority.

300A battery switch

300A battery isolator switch (M10 connection)

Heavy duty load battery/inverter switches for NH type fuses, can be used between inverter or battery to isolate and protect.

NH fuse holder switch

1-pole NH1 fuse disconnection switch M10 fixings @ 250ADC
3-pole NH1-3 fuse disconnection switch M10 fixings @ 250ADC
3-pole NH2 fuse disconnection switch M10 fixings @ 400ADC

NH1 fuses to be used in conjunction with NH1 switches

NH fuses

NH1 fuse @ 63A 250VDC
NH1 fuse @ 100A 250VDC
NH1 fuse @ 125A 250VDC
NH1 fuse @ 160A 250VDC
NH1 fuse @ 200A 250VDC
NH1 fuse @ 250A 250VDC

NH2 fuses to be used in conjunction with NH2 switches

NH2 fuse @ 300A 250VDC
NH2 fuse @ 400A 250VDC
NH2 fuse @ 500A 250VDC

Victron energy mega fuse holder

Victron mega fuse holders

Victron mega fuse holder

Victron energy mega fuses for 12 & 24v system

Victron energy mega fuse

Victron Mega fuse 60A/32V
Victron Mega fuse 80A/32V
Victron Mega fuse 100A/32V
Victron Mega fuse 200A/32V
Victron Mega fuse 250A/32V
Victron Mega fuse 400A/32V
Victron Mega fuse 500A/32V

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